I have forgotten to write about my new “happenings” with the American Cancer Society – so I thought NOW is the time!!
This summer I was asked if I would chair the Platte County’s Relay for Life, on behalf of the American Cancer Society. I accepted this position. I know that some of you question this move on my part, but let me tell you a little about why I decided to make my two year commitment to this event.
The American Cancer Society helps all ages, all cancers. I know there is controversy about how much they help our kids. But, I must face the facts. When I want to fight cancer, although Charli is my NUMBER ONE priority, I am also needed to fight for my mom, Vicki, Rachelle, Ryen, Macey, Kara, Deb, Jody, Jen, Amanda, and all women who I love, who I could potentially loose to breast cancer. I am also fighting for Chad, my dad, Randy, Shawn, Aaron, Andrew, Bryant, Derek, Colton, Justin, Conner, Brad, Bob, and all the other important men in my life. When I fight for a cure for cancer, I am realistic enough to know that being 100% selfish won’t win any wars.
Having said that – I still make, and will always make childhood cancer my first and foremost priority, and I will until the day that I die. I am pleased to know that the American Cancer Society is doing more for our kids than initially thought. I am excited at the possibilities. So please, if you disagree with my choice concerning this matter – just skip over this post!!
I also know that if I didn’t take this position, someone else would. Chances are “someone else” wouldn’t have the conviction to raise awareness to our kids like I do. So, that would be a loose-loose situation from the start. When I am approaching this cause, I am approaching it for all people, all ages, all cancers - all cures.
I am excited to take on this new challenge in my life and excited to know that I will have the great help and support of another amazing childhood cancer advocate, Chad’s aunt Janelle. I know that we have an amazing support system by the energy that was shown for our team last year. So again…if not us, who?
This leads me to my newest and quite exciting journey! Tomorrow I am taking off for Dallas to attend a Leadership Summit to become a better leader and become more educated on what I need to soon be an expert on!! I am more than excited to make this trip and take it all in! I think I will come back motivated with a desire to do more than ever! (although I am heartbroken to take my first ever trip away from Charli!)
Keeping all of this in mind, I know it will be a big challenge for myself as well as my family. This event takes a lot of team work, planning, and organizing. The past leaders have done an amazing job and are handing the torch to someone afraid of failure! (Actually, to two someones who are afraid of failure!) I pray that the 2009 Relay will be all the Platte County expects and more!
I am excited to come back after the weekend and share my experiences with everyone! I have an idea the “pep” down there will be infectious! I pray that I will have a clear enough mind to take it all in. I also pray that I have just enough emotion to do the job well, and just enough smarts to pull it off!! Thanks for all of the support that I have already received in doing this! Our family has been so great through all of this. At the end of the day, I feel like I need to be doing something to fight against cancer. I know that my options are limited given our geographical nature, so I am jumping on this one. I know that some of you may question why I am doing this, but I ask that you please trust my judgment and know that in my heart and soul, EVERYTHING I do in my world is because of and for Charli. I honestly feel that this will be a benefit to not only Charli, but also our entire family. I appreciate your support!! (that kind of sounded like a politician, didn’t it?!!!)
Anyway…I am excited for my trip and can’t wait to see what the future holds!!!
You are supported 100% from Michigan...I think your new adventure will be are the best woman for the job!!! Have a wonderful and informative trip...I look forward to your next post.
P.S. the new pics are great...Charli is getting so big!!
I am inspired by you by just reading this post...I can't wait to hear your infectious words when you return. I pray for safe travel and also for Chad and Charli as they play without you this weekend!
BEST of luck with your trip! What a great cause and good reason to be leaving Charli for the first time!! She know's how special her Mom is!!!! Can't wait to hear all about the summit.
I hope you have a great trip! Thanks for your inspirational words and I know you will accomplish great things in your new position. Charli is lucky to have you fighting for her!
Congratulations on you new adventure!
I am sure you will do a great job.
Danielle and Zoe
From Michigan
There has never been any doubt in my mind that we have done the right thing. Soon, we will let go of the "butterfly stress" and just let God's gifts that he has blessed us with take over. One person can change the world...imagine the possibilities.
The weekend with you was great and the years ahead working side by side will be an inspiration to everyone around us. I can only pray that some of that inspiration leads people in joining the fight.
Much love,
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