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What started out as a site to update on our daughter's cancer has thankfully grown into a site to update on our beautiful family of four. Enjoy our journey...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

week of doctors!

What a way to start my week...I had a root canal :-( Or the start of one. I didn't have time to get the entire thing done start to finish so I was only able to get about 1/2 done. Fun times for me, let me tell you! My upper jaw was so swollen and now is so sore! I can't close my mouth today, it hurts too bad to make contact with that tooth - ouch!

Then, today, Charli seems to be breaking out with a rash of some sort. I am taking her into the pediatric clinic tomorrow to get her checked out. She is not 100% current with her vaccinations, because of chemo, so I want to make sure she hasn't ran into something we need to take care of sooner rather than later.

Okay, we have that taken care of. And, I have "flu" symptoms tonight...does it get any better!!!

This afternoon I planned on making a post about various things I am thankful for, and to show that my list of "thankfulness" is a various list...but it is starting as more of a pity party!!

This afternoon I realized that the major things I am thankful for are:
- my great husband who loves me and lets me love him
- a home to call my own and raise my family
- a family who loves and supports me no matter what I do
- friends who always know how to pick me up, and when to let me be down for a little bit too
- a child who, in my opinion, is unstoppably adorable. To know her is to love her - point blank.
- the health of myself and my family! Sounds funny for those of you who know my family (Chad, Charli, and I). But I know we could be much worse...

These are major things that I think if you ask any person they will say. But I am thankful for so many 'small' things too! I do not want to loose any of the "big" items listed above, but if on a bad day one of those waivers, take a few from the list below and my life is still good!

- hearing Charli giggle after she walks five or six steps with no help
- having two (sometimes stinky!) dogs lick me because they are so happy to see me
- listening to Charli talk to herself as she wakes up, and all she says is "mama" over and over again!
- getting a card in the mail, mixed with the bills
- having someone call that hasn't in a long time, "just to check in"
- seeing a blue bird land on my mailbox
- seeing a funny comerical (the new AXE ones are great!!)
- putting Charli in a new outfit
- getting a surprise phone call from Chad
- a fun email

My list could go on and on. I guess I just wanted to take the time to publicly list what I am thankful for, and give credit where credit is due. God has been so good to me, despite some of the events that have taken place over the past several years. I really do believe the phrase "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it". I don't always know why certain things happen, but I do know there is a great purpose in it all. Sometimes we even think that Chad's accident was to prepare us for this. Whether that is the case or not, we may never know. What I do know is that Chad and I have had tests along the way that have done things for our relationship that some people never experience in a lifetime together. I am not saying it has always been a fun road, but it is the path we are on. I am thankful for the little and the big things daily. A VERY good friend told me to start a little journal and write down one thing each day that I am thankful for - I am religious about doing this...and it is such a good feeling to look back at your day at all the good things, and pick one to remember forever! I recommend everyone do it!

PS. While I was at the dentist Monday Aunt Amanda and Uncle Brad took (good) care of Charli. Everyone had fun, there are a few pictures from their day together below!

Have a great night!!

what is that on my head...?

oh, it's uncle Brad's fishing hat!

I LOVE -LOVE - LOVE my books!

I like to be under things....

trouble is, I always get stuck!


Unknown said...

bow chicka wowow. :)

Anonymous said...

Everytime I read your new posts you inspire me to be a better person. You have taught me that whatever life has to offer to take advantage of the moment and find the good in each and everyday.

Love the pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to a "blue day" and make not only your day brighter but those around you too. You really do have a gift --- who knows maybe someday you will be my "pre-school motivational speaker" ... to get people jumping and ready to start another year!

I hope Charli's rash turns out to be something simple too.

Anonymous said...

She looks ADORABLE in that cowboy hat! What a doll she is, just gorgeous!! I can't wait to see her again, and hopefully have Landon too! Good idea on jotting down items you're thankful for. I too should begin to do that because all too often we take so much for granted. Have a great day!