i love the way he looks at her!!
and our dear Harper!! This is my old doll, Diana Marie. I wanted Charli to love her and take her home...she said no, but was glad to offer to take grandma's football outfit. So, I gave her to Harper who gave her lots of love!! Wouldn't he make a fine big brother ;-)
Coloring like such a big girl! She also colored using "paint" on grandma's computer. Makes her seem so grown up when she starts to play the computer!
harper thought it was soo funny when grandpa would try to keep him from crawling on the table, eating colors, or putting them in his ear!
being OH SO strong! She was concentrating so hard to watch them get the blood out!
Before we went got into the hospital she was so nervous, we think she made herself sick...how sad. She was brave and got to go pick out a toy from toys-r-us. She was SET on a big BUZZ who would talk and shoot lasers....
then we get there, and she fell in love with BATMAN!! I love this because I remember my brother having basically the same thing for HEMAN!!
Oh, and we can't forget these!! Charli picked out these matching pj's! I was so impressed that she could be talked into purple for herself!! There is room to make progress!!! ;-)